21.08.2015 2:54

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

Suppose you something did not please the Android and iOS, after which you pay attention to the third in the list of the mobile operating system: Windows Phone OS. In this article, we will tell you about the possible causes of transition, about the benefits of WP8 compared to the rest, and in other articles – how to make the transition go smoothly and painlessly. However, the benefit to go to other operating systems, we will also – for the sake of completeness.

Undoubtedly, each operating system has its advantages and disadvantages, and debate about the merits and shortcomings of Windows Phone do not cease since its appearance a few years ago. During this time, the operating system from Microsoft has taken a strong third in the world rankings and the OS continues its upward movement slowly, leaving less and less chance of less fortunate competitors.

As for the target audience of the operating system, then it can be divided into two types: those who come into the world of smartphones just yesterday, and those who joined her with other mobile operating systems for a variety of reasons, some of which have become critical. That’s about it, second, and will be discussed today. (Note: The author of this article he went on Windows Phone a few years ago, so part of this article describes his own experience).

Today we talk not only about the advantages of Windows Phone as such (of which we have already mentioned), but about the reasons to go to her with iOS and Android. If you are tired of enduring the bugs, brakes, and excessive appetite Android or closed and expensive devices on iOS – maybe it’s time to consider something else? Although, of course, some of the reasons will be crossed with the obvious advantages of the operating system from Microsoft (just in case, we note that neither the author nor the editors do not try to ignore the shortcomings of Windows Phone, which she, of course, there’s just this is a topic for another article).

The first reason: space

This is the least, perhaps, the reason is quite popular among geeks: here we are talking about people who already know everything at the appropriate level for me about the other two operating systems and want to try something new. In favor of this decision, says at least the fact that the ideology of the OS Windows Phone is different from those of Apple and Google: And from the point of view of the user interface and work “inside”.

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

So most people will be given the transition smoothly, because all will be treated with a new interest as a reason to dig. And if there is sufficient experience of interaction with different ecosystems, it will have no problems at all. Although at first that it may seem uncomfortable.

The second reason: the choice flour

How many smartphones on Android do you try to select? Hundreds? A thousand? Tens of thousands? If you buy a Chinese store, the latter will be the most faithful; but even if you even just go into the nearest store, then the abundance you happen “video buffer overflow”, than not fail to take advantage of cunning sellers to impose your merchandise, which “need to sell at whatever price.”

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

Roughly the same can be said about app stores. Apple and Google are proud to be in their stores more than a million different programs strongly boost these figures … Microsoft has also everything is much more modest: it was recently reported 400 thousand applications in the Windows Phone Store, which is almost three times less than in each of the two other “Stora”.

In fact, for everyday tasks it is convenient and you can find almost everything. How is the installation of the desired application in the App Store from Google and Apple? You decide what you need from the application, and then install one another, fifth, tenth, twentieth (that is literally 20) – until they finally find something is really what you need. If you do find. Finally, the application you need may be worth an inadequate amount of money.

The Windows Phone Store applications at times less, so pick something right is much easier when viewed from this perspective: therefore fewer – it is also a plus. More plus – because of smartphones and tablets in the WP8 relatively little expense is literally tens, and the configuration is quite similar in most of them, then pick up the device by itself will be a lot easier. All the “gentleman’s set” of applications (camera, readers, games, listening to music, watching videos, documents, etc.) on the Windows Phone platform is presented, with almost all of this there is a default on any WP-smartphone. Moreover, many of the programs are made even better than their counterparts on Android, especially free. For example, all decent music players on Android worth the money (especially those that can play music from catalogs, not just for playlists), but by WP free more.

Reason Three: by Windows Phone almost everything always works

With smartphones on Windows Phone is difficult to find a non-working specifically on your device application. It is difficult but possible – and this is more likely to be an exception to the rule, to which you can “complain” in the app store. The same can be said about the iPhone with iOS, but never impossible – about Android. A closed platform from Microsoft has its advantages compared to Android: diverse slag stake out a place under the sun is much more difficult.

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

In addition, Windows Phone already has a fairly large number of functions (not just the application of what has been said in the previous paragraph), the default implementation of which on the Android need to install additional software. And they work as they should, they have gone as part of the operating system.

Reason Four: dislike for Apple

Who would not say, but the ideology of the operating system from Apple and Microsoft is similar in many respects (closed OS, the careful selection of applications, a high level of compatibility “iron” and so on). But for many reasons, Apple has earned the love of fans and dislike (to put it mildly) opponents. Mainly for the unreasonably high price as accessories, and in many applications.

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

Meanwhile, sitting on Windows world (about the share of the OS in the world, everyone knows), but with the release of Windows 10 Microsoft, which is going to unify all versions of its OS under one “roof”, will do even more unified.

And yes, technically Windows Phone will cease to exist with the release of Windows 10 – that is (again – formal), this will be the same OS, as amended, but will be called (at least, so it is known today) Windows 10 (Mobile ); in fact, everything will remain as it is, that is fine.

Reason Five: speed

Due to the same closed platform, as well as the stringent requirements of Microsoft’s hardware configuration of each smartphone, speed is always at a high level. Smooth interface, running programs, switching between applications, and other operations are always smooth and fast, which is not true about Android, which from the competition on the “better” thingies interface all have long tired.

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

Finally, the main argument for “speed” – an intellectual work with RAM, which automatically unloads unused or rarely used applications in memory, giving priority to frequently used. This allows you to work comfortably on the smartphone with 512MB of RAM and 1 GB, not to mention two, which, incidentally, is the ceiling – and not to say that it was not enough. Because even 1 gigabyte still flying, including games, and 2 GB is necessary except for heavy dynamic racing, shooters or The Sims.

Reason Six: the interface Metro UI

“Tea” interface may not be the most conveniently on the desktop with a mouse, as are all accustomed to the good old “Start” menu, but for devices with the touch screen it fits perfectly. If the ideology of iOS and Android is about the same interface (desktop – panel labels – the list of applications), the tiles of the main desktop screen on the right and the second with the alphabetical list of applications it is actually very easy.

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

And we can not say that the interface on iOS and Android much worse} No, it’s just different, someone can be there more comfortable, and someone here. In general, the amateur, but still very convenient to have a title (three different sizes), frequently used features and applications on the desktop Windows Phone.

Reason Eight: the old devices are not much worse than new

It literally can be called a knockout for Android smartphone, because the smartphones on Android-trёhletki already unable for the most part not only be updated (because under the name “manufacturer does not care”), but even work properly. Why is that? Because that progress has not kept pace with the appetite Android, and 1 GB of RAM with 4 GB built today is not only insufficient but frankly not enough. Very little.

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

In contrast, you can bring HTC Mozart – one of the first smartphones WP-age 3.5 years, which is still completely functional, even seemingly ridiculous 576 MB of RAM and “pathetic” 8 GB internal. Yes, Microsoft discontinued support for the seventh version of Windows Phone, rolling his year and a half ago, the latest version 7.8, but even today it is possible without any problems to find the right application that supports this version of the OS and even worked loose. Again, personal experience of the author of this article, which has become one of the first owners of Mozart and it is so far.

To sum up, we can conclude the following: the basic needs of older smartphones WP7.8 fully satisfy, and allow even a little more, if you strongly not to get involved, and not to put a super-mega-dimensional games and “heavy” applications that require more resources. With The Sims Asphalt and 8, for example, Mozart and his peers definitely not right.

Reason Nine: full-time navigation system

It will be enough, plus a highly specialized, and it will be treated primarily to phones Nokia / Microsoft, which has always supplied powerful standard navigation system HERE, allowing good save on certain browsers.

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

Maps are downloaded and run offline (and online you can include for traffic information and route system paves the right, depending on the current load of trails), there is the voice assistant in many languages (and in Russian, yes), the interface does not slow down (and almost all on Windows Phone), and the maps are updated frequently. Perhaps for some it will be a weighty advantage. Since the “Navitel” and others like them is not cursed just lazy. Very lazy.

Tenth Cause: No Virus

10 reasons to switch to Windows Phone

Unlike the desktop version of Windows, and has long been Android, viruses in Windows Phone is not, and the reason for this – not only the low popularity of this mobile OS (the factor of “Elusive Jack”), but also because it is difficult to penetrate. It is no secret that viruses for Android penetrate primarily through bogus phishing apps and mobile sites – and with Windows Phone, as well as with the iOS, this channel can not be said that popular.

In fact, play a role here as a closed source code, and a reliable system of protection.

No reason, but a plus

It could be attributed to the pluses corporate “cloud» Microsoft OneDrive, and 7-15 GB of free space, which are given to anyone interested; but this is not the argument today, as a “bun” can boast and Apple, and Google, and many others, too.

And finally I say

Of course, there are at the OS and cons, but the pros and quite significant, I think. Two and a half years ago, I purchased a Nokia Lumia 820: this is my second phone on Windows Phone, it is still widely used, has bought a third battery (due to the heavy load device by me), and the need for everyday Android I have long gone, although there are two Android smartphone and Nexus tablet. But the main unit – this is the Lumia 820 (and since its release will soon be three years since), which runs as fast and well as after the purchase.

Of course, something will change in the coming Windows 10 ecosystem, but as they say, wait and – see.