15.08.2014 9:26

17 amazing facts about Warren Buffett and his wealth

Warren Buffett has been extremely successful, and today it is insanely rich. Only in 2013 his fortune increased by $ 12.7 billion. How nice of him investor, we will see:

1 99% of his fortune Buffett earned after 50 years.

$ 62.7 billion of the $ 63.3 billion of equity Buffett earned after he was 50 years old. $ 60 – about 95% – after 60 years.

2 Book value of Berkshire exceeded S & P 500 for the 43 out of 44 years based on a five-year moving average.

From 2008 to 2013, profits S & P 500 was 128%, while profit Berkshire (based on the book value of Class A shares) was 80%.

3 records Buffett to outperform the market – the longest among all investors.

17 amazing facts about Warren Buffett and his wealth

This graph compares the excess return of investors and S & P 500. As you can see, Buffett’s outperformance exceeds the duration of the performance of other investors.

4 Equity Warren Buffett is $ 63.3 billion and more than the total GDP for 2013 in Ghana and Cambodia.

Ghana’s GDP was $ 47,928,717,949 013, and Cambodia – $ 15,249,684,397. On the size of his fortune, Buffett is the third largest in the world.

5 In 2013, Buffett earned, on average, $ 37 million a day – more than the actress Jennifer Lawrence – for the entire year.

According to Forbes, Jennifer Lawrence was the second highest paid actress in 2013, her fees were $ 34 million.

While Warren Buffett in 2013 was earning $ 34 million a day.

6 Gains, which Buffett received just an hour in 2013, would be enough to pay for the education of 6 students at New York University (NYU).

NYU – the most expensive university in the United States – 4 years it cost $ 247.908, while Buffett in 2013, earning $ 1.5 million per hour.

7 Buffett bought his first stock in the year of attack on Pearl Harbor.

His first action Warren Buffett bought in 1941 – it was a three preferred shares in his name and three – in the name of sister, costing $ 38. Soon they fell by 30%, and when recovered and rose to $ 40, Buffett sold them. A few months later, they jumped to $ 200.

8 Funds, which Buffett donated to charity to date, would be enough for the construction of 4 campuses «Spaceship» from Apple.

17 amazing facts about Warren Buffett and his wealth

During his life, Buffett donated $ 20 billion – the second largest amount (after the record of Bill Gates). The project cost Apple Campus is a $ 5 billion.

9 If the fee Buffett Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates divided equally among all the inhabitants of Pyongyang (North Korea), then each of them will receive a sum twice their annual salary.

The population of Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, is 2.843 million. The average North Korean earns $ 1,000 – $ 2,000 per year.

Buffett donates $ 2.1 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This means that every citizen of Pyongyang would receive about $ 738.65 – an amount that exceeds 49.2% of its annual earnings.

10 Buffett “ready” to double the size of its investment in renewable energy. This amount would be enough to build 46 hotels Burj Al Arab.

Buffett has invested $ 15 billion in the development of sources of solar and wind energy and is ready to double this contribution.
The construction of a luxury hotel Burj Al Arab in Dubai at a cost of $ 650 million.

11 In 2014, a businessman from Singapore paid $ 2.2 million for lunch with Buffett.

This amount would be enough to buy a notebook calculators for 9,746 students, while one such book is worth $ 225.

12 cash balance of Berkshire Hathaway is $ 50 billion – is the GDP of South Dakota and 45 aircraft Airbus A318.

GDP of South Dakota in 2013 was $ 46,732 billion, and Airbus A318 worth $ 71.9 million.

13 If you had invested $ 1,000 in Berkshire Hathaway in 1970, today you would have received $ 4.86 million.

In 1970 the share of Berkshire Hathaway was worth $ 41. Tuesday action Berkshire Hathaway was worth $ 199.562.

14 If you had invested $ 1,000 in Berkshire Hathaway in 1980, today you would have $ 532.165.

12th August 1980 campaign Berkshire Hathaway was worth $ 375. Tuesday action Berkshire Hathaway was worth $ 199.562

15 If you had invested $ 1,000 in Berkshire Hathaway in 1990, today you would have $ 29,785.

13th August 1990 campaign Berkshire Hathaway was worth $ 6,700. Tuesday action Berkshire Hathaway was worth $ 199.562

16 If you had invested $ 1,000 in Berkshire Hathaway in 2000, today you would have $ 3,218.

11th August 2000 campaign Berkshire Hathaway was worth $ 62,400. Tuesday action Berkshire Hathaway was worth $ 199.562.

17 If you had invested $ 1,000 in Berkshire Hathaway in a year when Warren Buffett became the main shareholder of the fund, today you would have $ 10.5 million.

In 1964 the share of Berkshire Hathaway was worth $ 19. Tuesday action Berkshire Hathaway was worth $ 199.562.