24.05.2014 5:31

4G or Wi-Fi?

The question to ask which three years ago no one would never have occurred. Another year and a half ago, started to ask, but the answer was already obvious. Now, with the advent of 4G +, can speak about stereotypes that are crumbling before our eyes. Soul inclines to the native and familiar Wi-Fi, many years of experience required to reject with indignation the possibility of comparison, and the practice is increasingly breaking existing views. Contrived conflict? Not at all. Technical progress, which must be used instead of living in the “old.” Let’s deal without unnecessary emotions and bouts of nostalgia.

Stereotypes, of course, strong, and smartphone manufacturers / tablet these stereotypes continue to cultivate: a cellular network – in extreme cases, the priority is always and everywhere Wi-Fi. It is stitched in default settings, everything we buy. However, in the default (“umolchalnyh”) settings I long allergy. Been wrong, but often saved money and nerve cells.

Without confusion

Specialists may laugh, but for 90% of Internet users and Wi-Fi are synonyms. There is Wi-Fi – Internet is. Moreover, the “real Internet”, and not some mobile surrogate. While Wi-Fi is nothing more than a means of delivering the Internet to the end user. Undoubtedly, the most popular and convenient means of delivery, which led to confusion in the minds of users. By itself, Wi-Fi «Internet” is not, in a highly simplified form (we will not talk about local area networks, etc.) is the “bridge” between the intermediate device connected to the Internet and user tablet, smartphone or computer.

Like any intermediate, Wi-Fi will inevitably degrade the “primary source”, adding its delay, increasing response time and reducing the speed of Internet access. Another thing is that the “primary source” in the Wi-Fi network before was almost always the cable connected to your ISP at a good speed. That, in fact, laid the basis for the reputation of such networks. Within a few years, much has changed, but the legend of Wi-Fi as a synonym for “real Internet” preserved. Compare Wi-Fi and 4G is technically incorrect, but it’s easier with the position of the consumer, which is nowhere to delve into all sorts of subtleties.

Who is faster?

Actual network speeds 4G (LTE), rarely dropping below 10 Mbit / s, the average speed in LTE is about 20 Mbit / s. Statistics on the average speeds in LTE Advanced yet, a completely new technology. But, based on a maximum of (more than 270 Mbit / s), for a stable 50-70 Mbit / s can safely rely.

In non-public, open only “for the” (corporate) networks, Wi-Fi speed of about 3 Mbit / s is considered to be very good, 5 Mbit / s – great. In public networks (cafes, exhibitions) 1 Mbit / s – a great success. The stability of this “fortunately caught” 1 Mbit / s – a separate issue. Watch the screen and wait for the download page – a dubious pleasure. And, more importantly, why? In the name of what ideas to punish yourself dreary expectation? Absurd – have on your SIM-card is fast and responsive 4G, but suffer with “brake» Wi-Fi. Just because the manufacturer decided to smartphone or tablet, so you better. I somehow sake of experiment generally disabled Wi-Fi on the tablet, more than a week working only cellular module. During all this time three times cursed to a slow internet connection, but have not felt slighted.

Internet anywhere, anytime

Popular word “stability” fully applies to 4G. MegaFon dense coverage, and in rare cases, falling into a “dead zone” smartphone or tablet switches to 3G/2G himself back in the “fast» LTE when a signal is, by default, 4G higher priority. Smartphone switches to 3G/2G on a voice call. At 4G + (LTE Advanced) cover until just within the Garden Ring, but growing fast.

As for hotspots Wi-Fi, then seriously count on high-quality Internet via Wi-Fi only in the office and at home, public access points behave unpredictably. By the way, small institutions are increasingly practicing a combination modem router plus, it’s easier and cheaper. Public Wi-Fi in parks organized by conventional 3G-routers. It is clear that your “personal» 4G in the device will be many times better and faster.

4G convenient

Connecting to 4G and 4G + is not only faster, but also much more comfortable than Wi-Fi. In 3G networks, many complain about the slow response time (latency), which is due to play in all sorts of “shooting” is unhealthy character, and when opening web pages have a small but annoying delay.The second problem – the periodic fall velocity until the complete transfer of fading for several seconds. In 4G with this all right, the response time is comparable with wired internet connection. By stability also no complaints: the speed can be more or less depending on the load and the conditions of admission, but the “twitching” I personally did not notice. Absolutely full replacement good connection to Wi-Fi, not to mention the open “public” networks.

Security – not the last thing

Hacking smartphones via an open Wi-Fi network is gaining popularity. The attacker receives from scanning ether smartphone data on Wi-Fi networks in memory and creates a false network with the same ID. After automatically connect your smartphone to a network device from stealing usernames, passwords and other personal information, including payment systems.

In this sense, the radio operator is completely safe through his smartphone nobody climbs. If you do not hook the Trojan, but it is a separate issue, and 4G is not with it.

Tightness in the air

The phenomenon of a big city – a high concentration of Wi-Fi networks in the areas of office and apartment buildings. Due to interference even the best Wi-Fi-router can barely breathe, regardless of the quality of “primary source”. With 4G no such problems. In the capital MegaFon modern, high-speed network, “the latest model” plus a bandwidth of 40 MHz (at times more than fellow competitors). Network easily cope with the load without creating interference to anyone.

Nobody was trying to agitate for complete rejection of Wi-Fi in favor of 4G. Just a reminder that the 4G is no worse, and often better connect to Wi-Fi. And as LTE-Advanced with its 300 Mbit / s maximum speed just better.