26.06.2014 10:23

Cameras GoPro plans to launch its shares

GoPro the strength to survive the “familiarity” with the sharks, tsunamis and even a fall from height space.
Today manufacturer worn cameras GoPro have to go through rigorous checks Wall Street.

The fact that this week GoPro plans to launch its shares. According to preliminary calculations, IPO companies bring in about $ 425 million Wednesday night, her share is estimated at $ 24, which is a right boundary of the expected cost range from $ 21 to $ 24.

GoPro starts his life “public” company on Thursday on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbol “GPRO.”
David Menlo, president of analyst firm IPOfinancial.com, noted that the GoPro, of course, the “hot brand”, which is supported by the popularity of its reliable products.

Successful advertising campaign has attracted widespread attention to the brand and to increase confidence.
Video, shot on camera HERO3 and showing incredible footage from around the world, scored 32 million views on YouTube last year. In 2012, when Felix Baumgartner jumps from the stratosphere on his suit were fixed 5 cameras GoPro .

Sales of cameras GoPro HERO represented 45% of the market Camcorder U.S. in 2013, which is higher by 11% than it was in December 2011, according to The NPD Group, used in reporting on the company’s IPO.