21.02.2014 12:22

How to choose courses in the United States?

Life of modern man is now impossible to imagine without the English language. It is often necessary to work, he gives you the opportunity to watch movies and read books in the original, and, finally, the most basic – without it impossible to travel.

But in order to learn any foreign language, immerse yourself in the most correct language environment. That is the best option – some time to live in a country where they speak English. Options, where you can go a lot: England , USA , Australia . And in each country – a lot of different language courses and programs. What to choose and where to go?

“American English is different from the classic” – you say your friends. Yes, but, first, the differences are not so great. And, secondly, in language schools teachers work, owning a correct English.

“Studying in the U.S. is expensive” – ​​notice the other. In fact, no more than elsewhere. Perhaps the most serious waste – airline tickets. But if you buy them in advance, that will not cost too. As to the cost of training, it is equivalent to the cost of education in England or Australia.

The national average for one semester language course worth $ 10,000. If you want to spend less, you can choose a shorter course: 8-week program will cost about $ 4,000. This amount is in addition to a certain number of hours of training includes all necessary fees, insurance for foreign students living in the dormitory, and in some cases even food. And when you consider that live in the same England expensive, America’s advantage becomes apparent.

So you’ve decided to learn English in the U.S.. To begin to determine your level of proficiency. It needs to be tested. This can be done in Russia – there are many online tests, or “real” exams.

Further, the choice of courses will depend on your age and goals. That is, you must know what you need English: to speak freely, to use the language at work or learn it for future admission to foreign universities? Each factor affects the choice of programs.

It is also important how much free time you have. Can you fly to America just for the summer, or spend more time there? Language programs are short-term and long-term. They may last a few weeks, for example, in the University of Miami . Or go the whole semester in University At Albany, State University of New York- .

Complexity and focus of the course will depend on your level of proficiency and on your needs. Typically, short-term programs are meant to improve your spoken English, to help the student to remove the “language barrier.”

A long-term programs are necessary for those who are going to pursue their studies abroad or intend to take international language examinations such as Cambridge Examinations (their results are recognized worldwide and are valid without time limit.

Cambridge exams – is a wide range of language tests that prove English proficiency at various levels) and TOEFL (Chief Test for admission to universities in the U.S. and Canada. Since 2004 exam is taken mainly through the Internet. Written Exam in Russia virtually inaccessible, so you need prepare for the exam via the Internet. Results of this test are valid for 2 years).

In any case, whatever task you put in front of him nor any language course – it’s interesting new acquaintances and new opportunities!