12.01.2015 4:22

Computer learned to bluff in poker

Rise of the Machines are coming soon! Mankind has not invented artificial intelligence and computers have already learned to lie. Previously it was thought that teach the algorithm to give the user knowingly false data in order to achieve a certain result is not possible. Baseless theory, programmers and scientists considered such a possibility, but in practice to create such an algorithm could not.

Could not create until recently. Canadian scientists have been able to develop a program that deliberately lying to people, gives false information to achieve a positive (in relation to the program) and even result – is a provocation, so that the user has made a mistake, you can use a computer currently in favor. It was believed that to create an efficient algorithm that forms part of a rational system is not possible. Nevertheless, the result of Canadian programmers suggests otherwise.

The new program, however, take over the world or kill people is not going to, anyway, really and physically. The fact that the Canadian algorithm was created for the game of poker. Among programmers poker game considers the most difficult, since it implies the system with incomplete data, in contrast, for example, the game of chess, where you can see all the figures and the system calculates several moves ahead.

What programmers actually managed to create an irrational mechanism in a rational system, looks promising. In fact, the system plays a myriad of poker games and trying (quite successfully) to choose the best option. Total system to calculate the 24 trillion poker parties and “remember” each strategy. In this algorithm can not only change the strategy changes depending on the input data, but to combine them.