22.06.2014 3:43

Experts made ​​the “rules of youth and longevity”

Experts from the United States conducted a large study involving approximately 15,000 patients from 45 to 65 years. As a result, analyzing all the data, foreign experts have made the so-called. “Rules of youth and longevity.”

According to the Americans , the very first of what surely must give people the way to a healthy life – is cigarettes and alcohol. Then there is a proper diet with everyday inclusion in the diet of various fruits and vegetables. And the last – daily exercise.

According to foreign scientists , stress and depression, which are the main causes of the development of all kinds of diseases can be defeated with the help of meditation, sex and regular exercise. Also from the doldrums can help forgiveness and temple attendance. The specialists warn about the dangers of significant smartphones, computers and TVs (this is an ongoing pastime before such screens), as reported by journalists under “Medical News” well-known publication “Market Leader”.

Scientists have identified the ideal age to start losing weight.

Scientists were able to determine the ideal age at which a person needs to pay attention to your diet food.As it turned out, diet is best, they say, “sit” from 31 to 32 years.

Studying this question engaged experts from Forza Supplements. Employee food concern was able to collect the information given by the people and to establish the optimal age for use of diet. As no surprise, but it was almost the same for women and men. The stronger sex is better to start eating right in thirty years, and that’s important for women to follow the figure already thirty one year. The researchers note that 54 percent of the people on this start to think seriously only close to forty years. At this time there is a delay in the activity of hormones and people gradually begin to gain their extra pounds.

Secrets of proper nutrition.

In our time, a proper diet seems very daunting task. Where would we find time for lunch, not to mention the calculations of proteins and carbohydrates? In fact, it is not difficult to include in your diet healthy food.

With meat man gets iron, which is necessary to maintain energy. Its better to eat small portions, but often enough. Red meat can substitute chicken or beans.

Nutritionists also recommended to drink about 40 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight (for example, if the weight – 60 pounds, you should drink 2400 ml of water). If a person engages in the gym – you need to add another 500 milliliters per hour of such training.

If a person wants to keep the right weight for a long time, it is necessary to abandon the biscuits and white bread, eat more eggs, ricotta cheese on toast, refried beans, cereal with yogurt or milk. Better to choose wholegrain cereal, thereby replenish fiber. Cereal products are very necessary for the human body to get energy, strengthen the nervous system, making nails and hair shiny. Much healthier wheat and oats.

Women need to regularly eat foods that contain calcium. It is desirable to do so twice a day in order to cover the required daily rate of 1,000 ml. You can add to your diet yogurt with cereals, one glass of milk or cheese sandwich. If for some reason people can not tolerate dairy products, choose another food that contains calcium, for example, canned fish (sardines or salmon), beans, broccoli and almonds.

It should be noted that recent research has shown that those people who eat fruit and vegetables at least seven times a day, significantly less likely to suffer from heart disease. It’s not as difficult as it would seem at first glance. If you eat chicken, then add cucumber or carrot, lettuce and a small sandwich with avocado.Prepare for dinner broccoli, beans or peas. Glass of juice and a little fruit for the first breakfast – that’s all.

Proteins and fats iodo seafood person needs not less than iron. Sea bass, salmon and tuna is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help maintain a smooth skin for a long time and thus improve the functioning of the brain. About three times a week you need to eat fish. If a person is allergic to seafood, you can try to include in the diet of walnuts, flax seeds or eggs, which also have a lot of omega-3.

Nuts are rich enough valuable fatty acids and protein. Better to choose almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, unsalted peanuts or unsalted pistachios. But not more than a handful to the diet does not add extra fat. Small snacks between main meals are necessary as help to increase the level of sugar in the blood, besides control metabolism and actively help reduce the amount of servings for breakfast, dinner and lunch.

However, in recent years quite dramatically decreased consumption of carbohydrate foods because of addiction to some so-called. “Stellar” diets. In fact, a complete rejection of carbohydrates to lose weight does not always help. If they are excluded, the metabolic rate will fall, so when people return carbohydrates in the diet, you are more likely to gain weight again.