17.03.2014 9:12

Fed profit decreased by 10%

Net profit of the Federal Reserve System (FRS) the USA by the end of last year, down 10 % from $ 90.52 billion to $ 81.4 billion , the report said the finance department .

The Ministry of Finance has received $ 79.6 billion Income on securities purchased on the open market the Fed , including US Treasuires, mortgage and other bonds , increased by $ 9.9 billion to $ 90.4 billion

Nevertheless, the U.S. central bank has not received income from the sale of US Treasuries, as in 2012 , when these revenues were $ 13.3 billion

This change is due to folding operation ” Twist” , involving the extension of maturity of securities in the portfolio of the Fed amounts to $ 45 billion per month by selling short-term US Treasuries and buy bonds longer maturities .

For 2013 the Fed assets rose to $ 4 trillion to $ 1.1 trillion ( including $ 550 billion accounted for U.S. government bonds ) .