Fishermen offered new generation sonar FishHunter
Today, when mobile devices occupy an increasingly prominent place in people’s lives, without attention smartphones Neither was this industry, which at first glance less often associated with electronics – fishing. Replaced harpoons and underwater traps came rods and nets, to replace the first fish sonar came FishHunter.
FishHunter – this fish locator new generation. This device allows you to see if there is water under the fish, where and in what quantities. Also FishHunter could conceivably determine the habitat fish school or direction of migration. FishHunter done to the search-fish it is necessary to lower the water. The device resembles a large buoy or float. FishHunter works based GPS technology and Bluetooth. All the data is transferred to your smartphone for a special application monitor.
Because FishHunter communication with a mobile device by means of Bluetooth, the range of this “displacer” is a bit limited. When the distance from the mobile device more than 24 meters, the connection will be lost. However, GPS navigation is always possible to find a buoy in the water, how far it had not drifted.
With regard to efficiency, FishHunter able to see even one single fry at a depth of 40 meters. An important feature is that it can FishHunter mark fishing spots with the help of GPS. Such places are entered into the database application, and they will always be able to return fisherman later. FishHunter works on lithium-ion battery, which lasts almost daily work. Bui fully waterproof, not potoplyaemy or turn on the water. Even if FishHunter wave will be flipped, it will return to its original position yourself. The kit includes a special FishHunter scaffold-insurance, with which you can attach the device to the side of the boat or boats.
Application for a fish radar comes with it. Will be on sale FishHunter in the near future. Cost of the device will not exceed $ 250.