13.09.2018 4:30

What is Fitness Bracelet, What Is It For and What Can It Do in 2018?

In 2018 you can notice smart devices on the hands of many people around you. Some people have smart watches, while another one uses a fitness bracelet, fitness tracker or smart band.

In this article, we’ll talk about fitness bracelet, why you need it and what it can do. If you do not know the difference between fitness bracelet and smart watch, then read on. I assure, it will be interesting.

What is a Fitness Bracelet?

What is a fitness bracelet, what is it for and what can it do?

Fitness bracelet is also called fitness tracker, smart bracelet, smart band, etc. All these are different names of one device. In short, it is an electronic device that helps to control physical activities such as running, walking, distance, sleep quality and heart rate. Also, it can have some useful functions, such as notifications of calls and messages, smart alarm clock, remind activity, etc.

What is a fitness bracelet, what is it for and what can it do?

The first models of fitness bracelets are used mainly for heart rate monitor, but later they received steps and calories count. The progress does not stand, and modern fitness bracelets can perform almost the same functions as a smart watch.

Why Do I Need a Fitness Bracelet?

What is a fitness bracelet, what is it for and what can it do?

There are many reasons why you need to buy fitness brecelets,  and they are different for each person. For someone it is a fashion accessory, while for another it is a personal assistant and a personal fitness tracker. It is an opportunity to learn more about your body and daily activity.

However, the main function of the fitness bracelets is to track your physical activities every throughout the day, make yourself move more and control any changes in your body. In some cases, wearable devices can even save a life, for example, to determine the low or high heart rate, and send an alarm to relatives or a doctor.

What is a fitness bracelet, what is it for and what can it do?

Also, fitness bracelets collect activity data and keep records of them. These data will help athletes and people leading an active lifestyle, choose the best exercises, monitor sleep quality, etc. First of all, fitness trackers will be useful for people experiencing health problems.


Most fitness trackers have a standard set of functions:

Count steps, calories and distance. The basis of any fitness tracker is an accelerometer. This is a sensor that can automatically record motion. Based on the accelerometer data, you can find out how many steps were taken per day, activity time, the distance traveled and how many calories were used.

Sleep monitor. Almost all modern fitness trackers can record the total duration of sleep, divide sleep by phases into deep and fast sleep, and also provide recommendations for improving sleep quality.

Smart alarm clock. In addition to the function of sleep monitor, fitness bracelets have another very useful function – an alarm clock. The bracelet starts to vibrate on the hand and wake only its user, and not all the surrounding people, as the smartphone usually does.

Heart rate monitor. Today most fitness bracelets have heart rate sensor. You can measure heart rate frequency or monitor it. Also, it is possible to set the limits of the heart rate, when going beyond the boundaries of which the gadget will let know about it.

Calories count. Based on information on daily activity, the bracelet paired with app companion makes calculations of calories burned per day. Some models of fitness trackers allow you to maintain your own nutrition diary. In addition to calories burned, you can count calories consumed, as well as learn the balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

What is a fitness bracelet, what is it for and what can it do?

Notifications. It is another very useful function of the fitness bracelet. When you connect the bracelet to the smartphone, it will report an incoming call, SMS or notification from social networks with an easy vibration on your hand. If the fitness tracker is equipped with a screen, then in addition to vibration, the message will be displayed on the bracelet screen.


What is a fitness bracelet, what is it for and what can it do?

More “advanced” models of smart bracelets are able to perform a number of other useful functions:

  • Blood pressure monitor.
  • Blood oxygen monitor.
  • The stress monitor.
  • Measurement of temperature and perspiration. Control of respiratory rate. ECG.
  • Determine the location, speed and distance using the built-in GPS.
  • Non-contact payments via NFC.
  • Automatic tracking of various sports modes, including swimming.
  • Remote control of the smartphone’s camera.
  • Manage the music player of your smartphone.
  • Display of the weather forecast.
  • Send data to trainers and doctors.

What is a fitness bracelet, what is it for and what can it do?

What Should I Look For when Choosing a Fitness Bracelet?

  • Design.
  • Quality.
  • Compatible with your smartphone.
  • Number of functions.
  • Battery life.
  • Water resistant.

How Much Does the Fitness Bracelet Cost?

Today the choice of fitness bracelet is not big, but it is huge! There are hundreds of models. The price depends on a variety of factors, ranging from the manufacturer popularity, the number of functions, specifications, sensors, etc. Depending on specs, the price can range from 5-10 dollars, up to $100-200 and more.

What is a fitness bracelet, what is it for and what can it do?

Below you can find some of the best fitness brecelet in 2018, such as Xiaomi Mi Band 3, Honor Band 4, No.1 F18, Lenovo HX06.

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