11.08.2014 9:37

In the Flash will be own Iron Man!

The creators of the series The Flash announced the name of the show fans a new villain. In the sixth episode of the adventure drama new enemy Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) would be … Iron Man! 

Of course, we are not talking about the iconic characters of the universe Marvel,and a guy named Tony Woodward, better known in DC Comics as Girder (Girder).The source describes him as a willful steelmaker, fell into a vat of molten metal, which contained waste from lab experiments STAR Labs. Somehow miraculously surviving, Woodward got the ability to turn any part of his body into the metal. 

In the story, Tony was a bully at school, where he once studied and Barry himself. It is obvious that with age, Woodward was not good, and acquired the ability to have intensified his craving for destruction.