16.07.2019 3:06

Fuchsia OS: What Do We Know About New Operating System from Google?

For a long time nothing was heard about the new operating system Fuchsia OS from Google. The search giant was silent and did not tell any details about the new OS. However, some days ago Google quietly and silently launched the website for Fuchsia OS developers.

First, you should understand that Fuchsia will not be a replacement for Android. At least that’s what Google representatives are saying right now. The new open source operating system is created by Google as some kind of new platform. It will simply combine some products.

We don’t know much about Fuchsia OS, and there is already some interesting information. We want to discuss them with you.

Fuchsia OS: New operating system instead of Android?

Fuchsia OS: Specifications

When we first heard about Fuchsia, many people began to say that era of Android is over. Android users were afraid that their smartphones would no longer be updated. However, Google assured that they are not going stop developing operating systems, such as Android and Chrome OS.

Fuchsia OS, according to Google, is a new vision of operating systems. The company also plans to introduce some functions of Fuchsia into Android and Chrome OS.

Fuchsia OS: New operating system instead of Android?

Fuchsia is an operating system based on Zircon kernel, not Linux, like Android and Chrome OS. The feature of this kernel is that the entire system requires fewer lines of code. It allows the system to work as quickly and smoothly as possible.

As for interface, it is built on Flutter engine. Thanks to the algorithms for processing and rendering applications on Fuchsia OS, the operating system has a very smooth rendering and it works at 120 Hz.

Google’s plans include creating an ecosystem based on Fuchsia OS. Of course, other Google operating systems are also involved in this project.

At this stage, Google is already actively developing Fuchsia operating system.

Fuchsia OS: New operating system instead of Android?

Recently, the search giant launched a portal for developers. There is already a lot of useful information, and developers can find everything they need to understand the system itself and how Fuchsia OS works.

It is also known that Fuchsia OS will support Android apps. It is really important, because it is very difficult to create an army of developers to create apps specifically for Fuchsia.

Fuchsia OS: New operating system instead of Android?

Fuchsia OS: Release date

We still don’t know the release date of Fuchsia OS. Most likely, we will see the first version of operating system no earlier than mid-2020.

We are also very interested in devices that will run on Fuchsia OS. It is known that both smartphones and PCs will support new operating system. Perhaps, it will be the first operating system for all gadgets, such as tablets, laptops, PCs, smartphones and others. It is very interesting, because you can start to work on one gadget and continue on the other.