01.02.2014 1:11

In Germany, created a unique Willer to get around the city

German designers invented the flamethrower, the world’s largest cannon, and German cars securely hold positions in the ranking of the most reliable cars. At times, the German engineering idea creates a very unusual thing. For example, Aeyo multi-wheeler-vehicle made by a team of engineers from Munich.

First “Willer» Aeyo appeared at the exhibition as a concept back in 2013, but just a few weeks ago Aeyo multi-wheeler was released as the first commercial sample. Aeyo attributed to any traditional means of getting around difficult. Nelegche find his niche and non-traditional vehicles. Aeyo multi-wheeler – a real unique.

Creators Aeyo characterize his invention as “Wheeler.” However, this feature is not said nothing, until you see Aeyo multi-wheeler with my own eyes. This vehicle is nothing like a hybrid bike, scooter and inline skates.

Arranged Aeyo multi-wheeler just insane. There wheel guide wheel, which also plays the role of support for the driver. To attach the steering wheel two-stroke knee that bend in the middle and resemble pistons locomotives. These pistons thus fastened skating, in which the pilot becomes feet.

Move in Aeyo multi-wheeler easy, though a bit and unusual. Aeyo pilot relies on the wheel and your feet alternately repelled the commercials from the ground. As a result of this simple machinations of the “Wheeler” is set in motion. The main advantage Aeyo is that its unusual design allows you to easily and quickly add a vehicle, and light weight, “Wheeler” allows you to carry it in their hands. Cost Aeyo multi-wheeler is about 450-500 dollars.