11.11.2014 9:51

Microsoft has developed a headset a guide

Blindness – one of the most severe and serious hardships that can befall a human body. A blind man, even when the rest of the completely healthy, becomes almost helpless headset a guide. Microsoft has developed a special headset, designed to make life easier for such people.

Microsoft has introduced a conceptual headset a guide for people with low vision, blindness and hearing problems. To date, the device exists only one prototype, but on completion of all tests, the headset can enter the market. About how much would be a medical device, not yet known. In Microsoft promised that the system would not be very expensive, and some can get it for free.

Microsoft has developed a headset a guide

The main difficulty launching the project headset a guide IT-company that for this you need to create in each city developed infrastructure beacons. Despite the fact that the headset is using Microsoft technology for the blind GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, the right level of communication possible to provide not always.

The principle of operation is known headset is not very much. In Microsoft stated that the headphones will be attached to the head and to help the blind navigate in space. This gadget will be used as an ordinary audio messages, and vibration which will be sent to the area of ​​the cheeks or temples disabled. Thus, the gadget will be mainly to warn of potential dangers such as approaching a roadway, do not move in the specified place or a red light at the traffic lights.

Gadget can manage them handicapped by using voice commands. Additional configuration will be done with a smartphone, but in this blind need someone’s help. The headset a guide is unlikely to replace the guide dogs, but can be a good complement to them. It is expected that the gadget will allow freer to move around the city for those who cannot see anything.