Hypersciences want to drill the earth with a large gun
t’s no secrecy required a lot of energy, even for drilling only a few thousand feet below the earth’s surface. For effective flow in the Earth’s crust on the basis of geothermal energy, it is necessary to drill more than a few thousand feet. Unfortunately, the current drilling process is prohibitively expensive for the majority of stakeholders, ranging in area from $ 5 to 20 million. Depending on the desired depth.
Mark Russell, CEO Hypersciences, wants to change that. His method? Repeatedly shells were used to drill the earth’s crust, which, as Russell says ten times faster than conventional drilling. He received a patent last year he developed a shell on the basis of generally accepted system, and has recently been funded at a rate of about one million dollars from the program Shell’s GameChanger, to continue their studies, according to GeekWire.
In the process for loading the projectile with specially abrasive kernel steering wheel accelerator, which serves both the camera and the barrel in this “earthly gun.” Russell developed the design of the gas pumps in the accelerator memory, which is then ignited and the pressure in the chamber when the projectile passes through. It sends a projectile into the ground at a speed of nearly 4500 miles per hour (2 km / s). At this speed, the projectile destroys everything, including stones and various sediments, sucking debris back through the hole. The projectile itself remained essentially the same as and patented, but Russell suggests that implements tip may consist of a plastic explosives future to add more drilling power. Another option – to build sensors and temperature estimation accuracy of depth.
Bagel accelerator ignited again and again with several missiles, until the desired depth is achieved. Accordingly patent, multiple bagel accelerator can simultaneously shoot for drilling larger, and in tandem with conventional drills. Russell claims that his technique will save money on tool wear and breakage, and corresponds to the length of time the traditional drilling. However, there are still questions surrounding, how the technology will work in practice, and that affects the vast shocking repeated explosions in the underground environment, groundwater and geology.
The Department of Energy says that geothermal station operating at peak levels, can provide sustainable energy on average 41,000 homes in the US. Of the other unconventional ideas – in DOE also exploring the use of high-power lasers to maximize the retained heat from geothermal wells.