17.09.2014 11:30

IFA 2014. Stand Logitech

The company Logitech showed a new keyboard with stand for tablets, TV remote controls and some interesting covers.

Logitech K480

The main charm of this keyboard is that it is present in a special groove, groove, gutter, call it what you want, which you can use the tablet at an angle. It is very convenient, because you do not need to use special cases-stand that, first, increase the size of the tablet, and secondly, also cost money.

In Logitech did not specify which devices intended for their keyboard, but if you pay attention to the layout of buttons, you will realize that it is a universal solution. Then you and the Ctrl key for Windows, and here mark Cmd for Mac and iOS, and “efki” also have a layout for the keyboard shortcuts Android.

Location buttons reminded Logitech K810 – buttons are the same round with a good distance between them and the soft short course, that’s just your keyboard has a backlight.

IFA 2014. Stand Logitech

Knob on the left side, apparently, is responsible for the selection of Bluetooth-channel, so you can remember pairing for three different plates.

The estimated price of the keyboard – 40-50 euros.

Case for iPhone 5 / 5s

Beautiful aluminum case in the form of the back cover. All controls and buttons are visible. Will cost 30 euros, and sold only in the online store.

IFA 2014. Stand Logitech

Included with the holster is special aluminum “blotches” with a sticker on the back. You can glue it to the glass machines, and then pick up a blotch smartphone case. Running all this movement on the magnets.

IFA 2014. Stand Logitech

Logitech K830

IFA 2014. Stand Logitech

This model is called the successor of two keyboards: K400 and K810. From the first she took a touchpad built, and from the second – the keyboard backlight. The appearance of the backlight has a positive effect on the use of the keyboard as a remote A / C for the TV. The cost model is planned at the level of 50-60 euros.

Logitech Harmony

What is the Logitech Harmony? The basic version is a brilliant glossy box that will help you manage all your home entertainment devices with one remote, or even your smartphone. Let’s start with a script with a smartphone.

IFA 2014. Stand Logitech

Suppose you have in the room is a TV, speakers connected to it and the PlayStation. With the Logitech Harmony, you can manage them all straight from the iPhone or any Android-smartphone. For this special application is downloaded, the settings selected your device (TV, for example) and are given by the management team. Logitech Harmony receives a signal on Wi-Fi Direct from your smartphone, transforms it into an IR signal to your TV and sends the command, for example, the inclusion. However, a variant of the smartphone – it’s a compromise.

IFA 2014. Stand Logitech

But if you do not buy a Harmony separate control, it can immediately score on each button a specific action. In the end with three keys one remote you include three devices and can easily manage them.

The cost of set-top boxes is 60 euros, a very simple console – 50 euros, and the combination of Harmony and the most tricked out console will cost you 220 euros.

Case Logitech TurnAround

When using the iPad Mini is always a big problem to find a case that works as a stand in portrait mode. And if I then need to stand for horizontal mode? Not to buy into these two steps cover to come up with a combination of Logitech TurnAround (and can not come up with, and borrowed, say for sure I will not). This case may stand in a horizontal mode or vertical.

IFA 2014. Stand Logitech

Photos on cover costs crooked in a vertical orientation, but in reality no such problem

However, even in the closed state, it looks pretty good.

Logitech Hinge Cover

IFA 2014. Stand Logitech

The main feature of this case – is the ability to select the exact angle, you can tilt the tablet just as convenient to you, and not under the three universal regime.

IFA 2014. Stand Logitech

When closed, the Hinge is as follows.


Frankly, I got interested in all of these accessories (except that the Harmony, but then I’m just not the target audience) and I think that will take them to the test, as soon as possibility.