22.06.2015 9:09

In Japan in MINUTE sold out 1000 android Pepper

Despite the relatively high price (humanoid robot Pepper worth US $ 1,800), a minute after the start of sales of the first batch of units had been sold. Android really was very funny and functional, so the interest in him from the Japanese, who are special fans of high-tech devices, is quite understandable. Pepper – not the first robot, able to convey emotions, but the first of the “emotional” androids admitted to the free market.

In the creation of the robot was attended by experts and Softbank Aldebaran Robotics SAS. Generally speaking, the price of the robot is 198,000 yen (about $ 1,600), but the company is offering to pay about $ 200 more for a service contract device.

Pepper is able to speak, understand and convey human emotion, as well as to determine the mood of the owners, to respond to their touch and even perform simple errands, analyzing voice commands. True, cook, wash, clean, or to bring drinks from the refrigerator Pepper does not know how, and techniques of martial arts are not trained. But Android can make self.

In Japan in MINUTE sold out 1000 android Pepper

Masayoshi Son, President of Softbank, at a press conference that precedes the beginning of sales, said: “This robot can be in different states, depending on the circumstances and the expression of the human face.” Pepper may encourage its owner feel his loneliness, as well as be active if it decides that the landlord bored and sad.

Pre-order on a humanoid robot Pepper started June 19 at 10 pm local time (16:00 GMT). The first 1000 customers who had an order for the purchase of an android on the site, their robots will have in July. After sending the first batch of devices Softbank will resume pre-order. In addition, the fall will Pepper for Biz – commercial version of the robot, which is believed to experts, will be able to act as a guide, advisor, promoter or children’s entertainers.