17.02.2017 2:25

Lenovo Yoga A12 Review Android Laptop for just $ 300

We have heard about Lenovo Yoga A12 a long time. The Chinese company released the original device on Windows, and many users have been waiting for Android version with a reduced price tag.

Actually, Lenovo Yoga A12 was released and it costs $ 300. It is a full-fledged laptop, not the stripped-down version of Chromebook. It has everything you need for the modern user. The laptop was designed for casual use at home, for education, for some office tasks, journalism and work with e-mail, but not for professionals in video or photo editing.

We think that Lenovo Yoga A12 is a perfect replacement of your dusty desktop computer, especially a very stylish and advanced replacement. Now let’s see what’s inside.

Lenovo Yoga A12 Review Android Laptop for just $ 300


It should be noted that this version of the laptop is much simpler original model. Lenovo Yoga A12 works on Intel Atom x5 processor; it is ideal for the job and study. Two processing cores operate in normal mode at low frequencies and thus consume less battery power, and in the case of more complex tasks clock frequency increases.

In addition, the laptop has 2 GB of RAM. This is sufficient for casual tasks. As you know, Android devices with 2 GB of RAM have good performance. The original model had 4 GB, but Windows operating system requires more resources. The built-in memory for storing content is 32 GB (original model had 64 GB).

Lenovo Yoga A12 Review Android Laptop for just $ 300

Lenovo Yoga A12: Design

Lenovo Yoga A12 is available in two color options: pink and gray. As you can see, the design of laptop is flat, without any protrusions and parts.

The frame around the display is designed to hold in hands, the keyboard panel is completely flat. In general, new Lenovo laptop looks stylish, in some ways, but it lacks something special or interesting.

Lenovo Yoga A12 Review Android Laptop for just $ 300

Lenovo Yoga A12: Keyboard

The main feature of Lenovo Yoga A12 is its touch pad – it is completely touch; you can draw on it like on a large touch-pad. It has flexible configuration. Another thing is that typing on a touch keyboard rather inconvenient – there is almost no tactile feedback; you cannot understand pressed the button or not.

Lenovo Yoga A12 Review Android Laptop for just $ 300

Conclusion and price

Lenovo Yoga A12 price is $ 300, which has pleased us. If you need a laptop for school or you often print texts, edit something, draw diagrams, take notes, then the laptop will be perfect choice.

Of course, there are disadvantages, such as 32 GB of internal memory and screen resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. Buy you should remember, the price Lenovo Yoga A12 is comparable to average smartphone.

Source: lenovo