29.01.2014 3:58

Less than 40% of people in the world are happy in their own countries, the interview showed

A global survey of the association of independent research agency Gallup International / WIN “barometer of hope and despair” showed that only four out of ten people in the world are happy staying at home. Most unhappy life in the country consider themselves to be residents of the states where recently there were wars or economic upheavals.

The study involved 70,000 people from 65 countries, including Russia and former USSR countries. Respondents were asked to name the country in which they wish to live.

Only 38% of people said they are happy at home and did not want to change. The leader among the countries that would like to move all the others, is the United States (9% of the vote), another 7% of the participants considered the most attractive Canada and Australia. Switzerland gave for 6% of the vote, 4% scored France, Germany and Britain. Another 3% of respondents chose Italy and Saudi Arabia, 2% believe that would be happy in Spain and 1% – in Brazil.

In Russia, those who do not need to go anywhere, were about 31%. Those who are unhappy at home, tend to Switzerland (13%), Australia (9%) and Germany (8%) much stronger than in the U.S. and Canada (5%).

As it turned out, the Russians share their geographic preferences of most of eastern Europe. Middle Easterners seem a paradise Saudi Arabia (7%) and the UAE (4%), Asia would prefer the U.S. (11%) and Australia (9%). And every fifth African wants to be in the United States.


Most unhappy with his life at home were residents of countries affected by wars, ethnic conflicts and economic crises. Thus, the lowest number of people who believe their lives in their native country is quite happy, recorded in Afghanistan – 21%. Outsiders were also Mexico and Poland (28%), Serbia (27%), China (26%), Ukraine, Kosovo and Pakistan (22%). In addition, the top ten “unhappy” hit France (29%).

Most appeared satisfied in Thailand (73%), Australia (66%), Argentina, Sweden, Fiji, Japan (by 61%), Colombia (58%), Denmark (54%), Brazil and Finland (by 53%) .