20.03.2014 8:08

How not to lose a smartphone (or lose so that was not excruciatingly painful)?

“Lose mobile now scarier than losing your virginity” – grimly joked once Megan Fox. And hit the bullseye. Average smartphone owner awaits a huge number of dangers from purchases within applications that are already EU authorities regarded almost as a fraud, to eavesdropping and Peeper Trojans and ubiquitous intelligence services. And still the most painful problem is the loss of the phone itself. You lost it unaided or you “helped” – not so important. More importantly, along with the phone goes off and a hefty chunk of his personal life. Because there is not invented yet another device that would accompany us in a variety of situations.

Put a thought experiment: imagine for a moment that you are here right now reached for smartphone – and found him on the spot. All is not, disappeared point. What will result is a loss for you personally? Psychologists and journalists put this experience countless times in recent years, consistently get the same set of answers.

Lost smart – and lose a significant part of friends and business contacts, whose numbers are stored only in the phone book. You give the wrong hands your private photos and videos incriminating character almost every respondent is content that he would not show anyone else. Leave your e-wallets, web surfing history, SMS correspondence with friends and colleagues.


Also an option.

Worst of all, utekut keys to all accounts in web services: access to the mailbox, social networks, online shopping (possibly with a non-zero balance on the account), Finservice already set, enter the password is not required. And because the new owner is available and your phone number – which even superostorozhnaya Google uses as a last resort to confirm the identity – there is a danger of losing accounts forever.

Argued that the Android-smartphone store more bindings to external services, and why lose them heavier than the iPhone or Vindovyh Lumia. I will not insist that it is really true: after all, a smartphone is a smartphone that regardless of the operating system to know everything, and always be able to accompany the host. But there is no doubt, is the fact that your personal problems – not so bad. Theoretically, using information on the results / stolen phone, an attacker can hurt other people: to extort money on your behalf at your friends, make balls of a corporate Intranet, etc. And this is not just theory: mobiles with interesting content about the item already ny on the black market is much more “empty”.

In short, Megan rights to the full. And even more surprising because the imbalance of attention, which was formed in relation to the different stages of the “problem of the lost phone.” The recommendations on what to do after his loss, there is no shortage: gained full range of measures to minimize the damage (tell the operator to remotely clear the memory and try to locate using predefined applications for remote monitoring). Plus can not rest supporters of the “red button” self-destruct number: discussion of lawmakers and manufacturers are just now a new round of cuts. But here is what to do? How can you – and whether you can do – to reduce the risk of losing your phone, and prevent the loss of important data leakage?

Steal! Even concrete simulation.

This theme is ridiculously unpopular. So much so that the first in my head all sorts of nonsense like the idea to pump muscles in and cropped haircut – just hide a victim masquerade potential aggressor. But jokes aside, and those who worked through the idea of ​​loss prevention seriously, really recommend not start with technology and with a loved one – from their habits.

Meaning: it is necessary to change their behavior so that the probability of losing a mobile phone itself tends to zero. First, do not leave your phone unattended and in places where it may be trite to forget: on the table in a cafe, for example. Second, do not give into the wrong hands. Third, to adequately assess the environmental situation – and not expensive shine machine in questionable places. This is the first and most effective line of defense: do not lose – do not have to rake the consequences.

As a second line usually recommend limiting access to data: to put a good password, enable the verification of PIN-code to encrypt persistent crypto contents of memory (at least Android is a standard feature of the operating system: look in the settings tab “Security”) and install application for remote monitoring, providing control over the telephone, it is desirable even after flashing (see Cerberus ).

But all this is again useful after loss. And because the list of actions necessary to supplement backup (often called “synchronization”) of important contacts and documents at all, so that even in case you lose your phone information was not lost. On Android, the corresponding option is built into the system again, but experts recommend an external solution (a la Titanium Backup ), which allows you to customize the backup process and flexibly manage backups.

Final preventive measure is a method that is considered usual in the West, but we only starts gaining popularity. This insurance mobile devices. Insurance is useful in cases where the price of the device is comparable to the cost of information stored on it, or it is more – that is, almost always, when it comes to trendy new smartphone and the person in the street. The scheme here is the same as car insurance or apartment: directly at the mobile operator or the seller (here for example the corresponding page ” Euroset “) – which acts as an intermediary between you and the insurance companies – for the sum of a few percent of the retail price, you can insure new phone for a short (vacation) or long term – from loss, damage, theft, robbery and other.

Prices, of course, vary depending on the cost of the device, but in general, seem reasonable. More troubling integrity Russian insurers. I myself have not tried to insure mobile and sane reviews in RuNet not found, but maybe its – positive or negative – experience will tell some of the readers? Because perusal contracts (like this , from “KIT Finance” and “Beeline”) reveals funny fad – Denial of premium payments in the case of “radiation exposure”, “leaving the phone unattended” and even “inexplicable disappearance.” That’s interesting: in general – pay?