17.02.2014 3:52


Good news for fans of pop queen Madonna. Star began recording new album thirtieth of the account. The singer has already started, but the release date and the name of the disc is not going to report.

About his future plans actress said during a visit to Toronto, where she did not appear for more than twenty years after local police accused her of indecent exposure (image masturbation on stage) during a concert tour during the Blonde Ambition. Now calmed down, but local media and admirers stars were thrilled to learn about the arrival of celebrities at the opening of its fitness center Hard Candy.

Previous Disc singer entitled MDNA, released in March 2012. Album topped the charts in the U.S., UK and Russia, becoming the “gold.” However, many critics sarcastically called the plate “gloomy album painful divorce,” a publication of The Telegraph and Disc does christened “last success” because of the lack of progress at the Madonna as a songwriter. However, this did not stop the star to arrange one of the most lucrative tour in support of the plate.

In an interview with reporters Madonna said: “Yes, I’m working on a new album. But do not ask me to anyone. It’s a secret. Top secret information. ” At the same time questioning, if she is not going to work with the Canadian rapper Drake, diva replied in the affirmative.

Curiously, last week Madge suddenly admitted that hates his own music. “I hate it, I’m sick of it,” – said the singer, explaining that from time to time listening own compositions, to experience the feeling of bitter disappointment. Celebrity friends know well and try once again it does not irritate.