17.09.2014 1:18

Midst dollar party is yet to come

By this view came some well-known economists. Indeed, the dollar is now at eight-month high against the yen and the APR to Eurocurrency. All this against the background of a rather obscure and vague policies of many countries, including the United States.

Recently, the sharp appreciation – this is far from the final growth, and the party for the “evergreen” just kicked off. Many believe that the Fed is ready to raise interest rates, and this will be the first such decision in years. On the other hand, the ECB and Japan all forces and non-traditional methods relax monetary policy to reduce the price of its currency. Why not lucky and gold, which lost to historic lows against the backdrop of a strong dollar, and disappointed many optimists on the fast growth of quotations of the precious metal.

As a result, the prospects for the dollar remain positive, even though the Fed until nothing much doing. And he did nothing, and does not …