05.02.2014 12:39

Octodad: Dadliest Catch

The idea of Octodad: Dadliest Catch simultaneously insane and charming. The protagonist of the game – octopus – successfully mastered in human society when he dressed, one can not distinguish it from the ordinary person. So the hero has not only married, but have children: on the road to success, we find him early in the game.

What is happening in the game can be evaluated as either a fairy tale or as a witty satire of family life and human relations in general. In the prologue, the hero marries: puts on a suit and bow tie, clumsily stumbles into a ceremonial hall, and, trying not to attract the attention of the guests, goes to the altar and the bride wears a ring on his finger. During the prologue need to learn control; it fully embodies the protagonist, providing the same high degree of playing comedy and tragedy. Responsible for walking the left stick and two trigger on the controller; stikom second and one of the buttons, you can wield one of the tentacles. The player is required to raise one leg, choose the direction in which this leg stretch, and then tighten the second. In fact, everything is much more complicated. Being an octopus in human form, the hero must not only crawl on the floor, but also to deal with human tasks: making coffee, do the cleaning, mow the lawn. And in any case does not apply since it octopus.

Passage Octodad full of funny and touching moments. Doing chores, the hero goes with his family shopping, and then to the aquarium (“Honey, you’re so fond of the sea, but why do you hate aquariums?”), Where he plays with the kids or spouse gives plush toys from the slot machines. Ideally, as the game constantly watch for conspiracy, not smashing everything around objects and without attracting attention, but in fact, this stealth-element does not work: no matter what you do, you will pay attention, but to serious consequences deal hardly reach. In other words, Octodad is difficult to lose the usual manner. The main challenge here is to control: its complexity supposedly tells how difficult cephalopods portray human. Trip to the store, mowing the lawn and play with the kids in the Oceanarium – Octodad in these simple actions filed in the form of game mechanics, which, thanks to the hero transformed into a monstrous mini-games. This is the main problem Octodad: on the one hand, octopus costume infinitely sweet, the other – trying desperately to hold it for the tenth time the ladder, I want to smash the wall gamepad.


About the effect of such developers and said Octodad, calling both management strengths and weaknesses of the game, “the most innovative and most terrible element in Octodad». As the game Octodad works deliberately disgusting, every new task for the hero first brings to laugh, and if something goes wrong (and in the case of our friend is very easy to arrange) – into a frenzy. A warning to the game included a cooperative mode, where up to four players, one for each limb. In light of all that is happening in the game, the decision outstanding.

Author’s intent to imply Octodad bunch of conventions, including the fabulous without logical explanation, and give birth to a bunch of funny and silly theories. So, in the final game sounds the same question – where did the woman and octopus can be children? – And in response to all just laugh. This is the main key to understanding Octodad: angry at this creature is awkward, we can only laugh.


Funny and touching story
Charming protagonist


Very specific management


Dadliest Catch on sale for PC from January 30. PS4 version expected this spring.