17.06.2014 10:20

What are the prospects for the euro currency?

Recently, almost all the players in the foreign exchange market interested in the fate of the single currency and the U.S. dollar. Such interest is not unfounded, as the economies of both regions show a rather interesting dynamic, radical measures introduced by regulators and, thus, there is a lot of rumors and speculation about the prospects of the two main currencies in the world.

Kind of waterline for the single currency and personally head regulator M. Draghi became level 1.35 dollars per euro. This is the rate at which certain boundary lies between the success and failure of recent ECB actions to stimulate the economy and its recovery from deflation and weak growth. Was an unprecedented decision to impose negative rates, the effects of which can not be predicted for the economy as such precedents yet was not.

Weakening of the euro should stimulate exports and inflation, and that it was hoped the introduction of control package at the last meeting on June 5. Thus, the level of 1.35 dollars per 1 euro has become an important psychological barrier around him and accumulated many speculative bets. In anticipation of the U.S. Federal Reserve in its interest rates, all of the participants’ attention focused on economic statistics and published data.