02.08.2014 7:35

Review compact tablet 3Q Q-Pad MT0736C

Tablet Q-Pad MT0736C from 3Q company represents a certain compromise, when in the value close to the minimum, offer relatively high performance of the device, and even in the case of metal. Enough the typical positioning – as iPad Mini, but much cheaper. Try to figure out what happened.


Grade tablet is almost standard: manual, warranty card, charger with USB output, USB-microUSB cable, USB-OTG cable and the actual tablet. In addition, the box has the SIM-card “Beeline” with the rate for tablets (supports 4G, is not supported tablet, and is not supported by voice, which is just a tablet supported).

Appearance, materials, controls, assembly

When he pulled the tablet out of the box, the idea that the device in front of you with the body of metal, instantly disappears. In fact, the metal is only one piece rear casing. Yes, it is the largest, but all around it made of plastic, and cheap. Heterogeneous and multi-colored plastic, which designers used as a mosaic, resulting in monoblock housing of the tablet is perceived as an eclectic, consisting of some pieces that are not only eye-catching, but also provide a lot of tactile sensations. Can not say that ill-fitting parts, but each felt separate from its neighbors. The closest analogue on aesthetics will be as cheap cars in the minimum configuration, “pleasing” the owner and surrounding unpainted plastic bumpers and other parts of the body. But, once again, collected all soundly, no noticeable scratches or cracks not. The assembly does not cause the slightest criticism. All questions to the designers who have managed to produce such a miracle coarseness.

Review compact tablet 3Q Q-Pad MT0736C

The front panel of the tablet is expected a plastic item, as covering the screen, and all the space around it. Plastic – black on top of it using masking tape. The film quality is terrible – I scratched it in the process of photographing device. A certain amount of dust and irregularities office desk was enough to leave her a lot of small scratches. So put down the tablet screen, I would not recommend.

Above the screen – notch speaker, covered silver metal grille. The right – the front camera lens. Android only control buttons onscreen, own sensory organs tablet has no control. Under the screen in the center – gray logo Qoo!

Around the entire surface of the front panel black white border appears glossiness of smooth plastic. Same with some plastic shoulder goes on all the ends of the device. But that’s not all – on the bottom ends of the climb and even metal and gray plastic rear panel. It seems to be dimly, but still looks very brightly, plus an unpleasant feeling in the hands of the irregularities of the end element.

At the top end are concentrated all connectors: HDMI, USB and audio input / output 3.5 mm. They all have a white plastic edging.

On the left side is the power button. On the right – “Home” and the volume control. Plastic buttons the same as whites end elements – ie, solid and smooth, is not ideally suited for the manufacture of controls. In addition, all of these buttons have a noticeable backlash, which is clearly seen on the photo.

At the lower end there is only a microphone, strongly shifted to the right.

Review compact tablet 3Q Q-Pad MT0736C

Slots for SIM-card and memory card hidden under the removable portion of the rear panel. It is made of thick gray plastic that Feels very “oak.” This element covers at the same time the main camera lens. It is located at the top center back panel and noticeably sticking out.Below the lens is the flash. In general, this element is very rude and ponderous. Feeling clumsy execution and gives salient edging of white plastic that separates the cell from gray blue (“blue metallic”, according to 3Q), which, in fact, is the only piece aluminum body.

Despite the fact that the design of the tablet there is a fairly large removable element, all technical markings like the model type and mark Rostest were handed down on a metal panel. What adds coarseness said. Besides the logo and technical overlays on the panel at the bottom right about 1/3 of the body stretches triple slot built-in speaker cone.

Dimensions and weight

Feels like a very heavy device. Weight 350 grams for 7-inch tablet can not be called an extremely large, but considering that the best examples of models with screens 7,85-8,4 inches have a mass of about 300 grams, it is necessary to talk about weighty. Sizes are also quite large: 115,5 x 185,6 x 9,8 mm. For this indicator, the tablet again nearing devices with larger screen.


Tablet was very good matrix screen – IPS panel 7-inch with a resolution of 1280 by 800 pixels. For the budget unit – a very good option.Almost no color distortion. Until that moment when, due to the deviation of the tablet screen becomes unreadable, they can be neglected.Another thing is that to compare this IPS panel with expensive options makes no sense – the brightness and color are not perfect.Satisfactory viewing angles – are sufficient in most cases to provide complete comfort to the user.

Review compact tablet 3Q Q-Pad MT0736C

As for brightness, its level is also typical for such devices – the sun screen fades and becomes unreadable, but indoors or transport all normal. There sensor automatic brightness adjustment. Its inclusion seems to be a bit extends battery life, but due to the fact that the screen always remains barely visible.

Multitouch touchpad provides up to five touch and gesture control. Here everything is familiar – Single touch work well, gestures are not always recognized correctly, the average sensitivity of the screen, it will need to get used to.

Operating system and performance

In the tablet is running Android 4.2.2 with minimal modifications from the manufacturer. There is a separate menu updates to applications from 3Q. Plans to upgrade the OS is not reported.

But the performance of the tablet beneath criticism. It set MediaTek MTK8389 chipset with four core ARM Cortex-A9, clocked at up to 1.5GHz, PowerVR SGX544MP graphics subsystem and 1 GB of RAM. In theory, it is enough for common tasks, but in practice the tablet slows down even when switching screens. Turning on the camera is very slow, as well as the preservation of the frame. Relatively quickly (relative to everything else barely creeps) does is quickly activated and renders the page, but scrolling is choppy. The same thing happens when playing a video – clip 720p can already slow down, no problem playing only 480p. MKV embedded player does not support, when the third-party and hang there are jerks. Talk about the possibility of launching any games do not have.

Review compact tablet 3Q Q-Pad MT0736C


The device has the usual set of cameras for a budget tablet: Basic and 2 MP front facing 0.3 MP (with extrapolation to 1.0 MP). As a plus, you can note the presence of the outbreak, which allows for low light conditions did not get a blurred image. At first glance, it is unnecessary to add such a weak unit, but provides an opportunity to take pictures of text in any circumstances. For something more camera tablet in general, and will not do.


For 2014 mAh battery capacity of 3000 in the tablet does not look very adequate, but for the budget segment is not unusual. However, by itself the battery capacity is not as important as optimizing performance. Here we can say that the engineers have tried to crank up the 3Q. In standby mode, the tablet does not work just long, and very long. If you do not use 3G, a device including an hour and a half a day, you get time, reaching 3-4 days. If the active use, the performance will be somewhat different. At maximum brightness and connected to the network via Wi-Fi MT0736S could provide six o’clock continuous video playback, and five hours of Internet browsing. When brightness is reduced to 2/3 of the maximum equalized these indicators have reached about 8 hours of work in any mode. So, depending on the usage, you can count on a full day or two of work. Good indicator.


Because of poor performance chipset speak about the full use of the tablet as a media device is not necessary. This parameter is closer to eReader with color LCD screen. Seriously worth only evaluate his work on the sound.

Sound from the speaker – satisfactory. 2/3 of the volume begins hull vibration, making it unpleasant. The sound quality of the headphones mean acceptable to listen to the radio, but even high-quality MP3 file does not sound. But the stock volume is very large. But there are stray noises that occur because of any interference in the housing. Overall, I would rate the sound device with a minus four.

Review compact tablet 3Q Q-Pad MT0736C

Separately, it should be mentioned that the tablet has a built-in vibration motor. But it gives a very unpleasant sound vibration, so this function is better off and never use, except that as an alarm clock.


As for the supported physical and wireless connections, the tablet is consistent with modern requirements. Available Bluetooth version 4.0, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n standards and built-in 3G modem also allows you to use the device as a phone. Physical ports allow, in addition to the headphones, connect USB peripherals and storage, as well as connect to an external screen through the port micro HDMI 1.4. Lack of LTE modem and NFC module in the budget tablet can hardly be considered a disadvantage.

GPS navigation

In the tablet has a GPS module with support for A-GPS, but without the ability to work with GLONASS satellites. Quality antenna is very low, on a sunny day in the open countryside confidently device receives a signal only 1-2 satellites. In cloudy weather, and in the concept of “positive reception” does not apply in the tablet. Screenshots show a typical situation.

Hot inclusion requires 2-5 minutes, depending on weather conditions. Cold may last for an indefinite period of time. In general, as the navigator to use the tablet will not work.

Review compact tablet 3Q Q-Pad MT0736C


Generally, I like the device of 3Q. Unlike most budget tablets, they have a pleasant appearance and satisfactory characteristics, while many analogues want to quickly put back on the shelf, so they do not fall apart in your hands. But not MT0736C. Called successful model does not work. Sloppy design and low productivity. As strengths can mention only the screen and build quality. Last will still be subject to reservations, mindful of the screen is easily scratched and poorly made physical control buttons. Despite the presence of a 4-core processor and 1 GB of RAM, competitors 3Q MT0736C I would call those devices that manufacturers position as electronic books with color LCD screens. Use it as a full-fledged multimedia impossible.