24.03.2014 9:21

Secrets “Klondike”

Directed by Simon Jones Sellan, screenwriter Paul Scheuring, executive producer David W. Zucker and actors Richard Madden, Abbie Cornish, Johnny Simmons, Sam Shepard and Tim Roth spoke about the work of the miniseries “Klondike» (Klondike). 

What was the most difficult scene to shoot?

Sellan Simon Jones: It was not easy to work on a scene in which the hero Richard encounters with wolves. Dangerous predators were charming furry pets such as those that the owners bring slippers. It was incredibly difficult to get them to look aggressive. Seriously speaking, the most difficult to organize the shooting appeared avalanche for the first episode. We arranged these explosions, but because we only had one take, which is to capture the moment.


Paul Scheuring: Work on the “Klondike” took 55 days. It turns out that every episode we spent only nine days of work. This fast-paced, even by the standards of soap operas. We thought that to save time avalanches made ​​sense to show with the help of computer graphics. But Simon decided that I needed to shoot everything as realistically as possible. We went to a height of nearly three kilometers of pyrotechnics, who treated us as to understand nothing in the blasts Hollywood stars.He constantly kept saying that safety should come first. We asked an expert about whether it is possible to arrange an avalanche by explosion. He replied: “Of course, there would put pieces twelve charges.” We asked again: “Twelve? Not too much there? What typically use? “. He said: “One. My personal record – four. “ That’s the guy who spoke a moment ago about the safety, was ready to blow up twelve charge time … That day we put around a dozen cameras at once.

Simon Jones Sellan: avalanches was a great spectacle, but a few of our cameras were forever buried under the snow.

Richard Madden: Incredibly difficult it was to shoot in the river. For underwater scenes we used water tanks, but full-scale survey carried out in real conditions. It was dangerous work. On the set, of course, were the rescuers, but the element of control is impossible. I liked the project is the fact that we do not abuse the computer graphics. If we needed a scene in the mountains, we did go up to the top.Actors gathered at the base, were transformed into their characters, and then snowmobiling started uphill. After we still had an hour hiking path to the top, where every meter becoming harder to breathe. And somewhere out there, at a height of three kilometers, the work begins.



How did you prepare for your roles?

Richard Madden: creators have managed to find many pictures of that time, which helped to understand how to dress up in those years miners. Our costumers just did a magnificent job. Clothing was incredibly realistic and fully consistent with the spirit of the time. Actors can understand how they feel prototypes heroes who were forced to spend much time in the cold.

Abbie Cornish: We worked in Calgary for a couple of months. The first days we spent with Richard in the cold, and we blew a strong wind generated by special generators snow. It certainly helped me to understand how to feel our heroes. I spent many hours studying the information about the life of Belinda. I know thatJohnny also seriously preparing for the role of Jack London.


Johnny Simmons: In my life I have read many books of London. Most of all I love the novel “Martin Eden”, which turned out to be largely autobiographical. I’ve always been interested in the history of London life. Received while “gold rush” experience was the basis of the set of his books. It was after those adventures Jackwas finally able to make significant progress in the literature.


Tim Roth: I loved my character. Graf – atypical villain. He, of course, his words do not fit, but it struck me as quite funny type. It is this component of the humorous and drew me to the script.

It was hard to bring to the project of Sam Shepard?

Paul Scheuring: Sam had to urgently replace Chris Cooper, who has health problems. For this reason he has joined us in the process. Sam brought a lot to the image of his hero, actively helping writers with dialogues. It was an honor to work with him.

Sam Shepard: I just sat there without a job, and therefore readily accepted this role.In addition, the landlord was about to kick me out of the apartment …


David W. Zucker: Contact Sam was not easy. The fact that he went on a fishing trip, and we could not send him a text or e-mail or phone. Had to negotiate with a courier service, which opened the script and took him straight home to Sam. He read the text, when he returned from fishing.

Abbie Cornish: It’s even on the set of never parted with his typewriter, continuing to work on new projects.

Why did you decide to build the scenery of the city, and not to shoot in Dawson City?

Paul Scheuring: Dawson lives a couple thousand people and shooting we would not be able to organize. Some historical attractions in the city remained, but in general it has become much more modern. Yes and place in Dawson whole team would have been difficult. Do not forget about a number of minor issues like tax breaks. After weighing the pros and cons, we decided to shoot in Alberta and not regret it.


What attracts you to the miniseries format?

Tim Roth: I am familiar with work on television. Filming in the main cast of the series, despite the heavy load, always gives me pleasure. But the miniseries allows images to try new heroes without taking with the actors a lot of time.

Richard Madden: Over the season usually show we can work from six months to nine months. Busy schedule filming miniseries allows actors to immerse themselves in images. During a two-hour movie is not always possible to fully disclose the nature of the character. On the other hand, even in the 13 seasons of serial episodes are sometimes communicating with extra characters. Do miniseries such problems.

Abbie Cornish: And such projects represent their creators greater creative freedom.Discovery Channel has managed to attract to work on “Klondike” such a famous filmmaker, Ridley Scott. The zeal with which approached this project all its members, has created this spectacular and truly spectacular show.