Small business in the United States faces challenges
If we analyze the situation of small and medium-sized businesses in the United States in terms of the model of the U.S. economy , then there is a growing shift from the ” great opportunity ” and the development of individual small businesses to global corporatization business. If earlier declared a growth opportunity and support to small structures , and it was the pride and the hallmark of the economy, the current level of optimism among small and medium businesses in the U.S. rather sank to a level that can be referred to categories such as a crisis or recession, analysts of TeleTrade.
February drawdown Research National Federation of Independent Businesses , was 2.7 points to a level of 91.4 . Thus , small business set rather pessimistic because of dissatisfaction with the state of affairs of businessmen in Washington. Concern , in particular, due to unresolved issues regarding the degree of state support for the health sector , the tax reform , the issue of the minimum wage and so on. While Capitol idle or just not sharing information that is alarming citizens.
While this state of uncertainty persists, business owners will not seek to expand their assets to increase reserves and most importantly – to hire new staff . Only 17 % of businesses plan to hire new staff , analysts TeleTrade.
In February, sales and revenue in the small business segment remained in the negative zone and only 25% of respondents plan to increase investments in the next six months. 15% of respondents are going to lower average selling prices of their enterprises .