23.09.2015 8:29

“Smart” knobs plates Meld attracted the attention of a major producer of household appliances

Sometimes, a small start-ups are lucky, their projects and attract the attention of large companies. It happened with Meld, united former employees of Amazon, Pinterest and RichRelevance.
In April Meld has launched a successful campaign on Kickstarter, presenting Knob – “smart” pen cooker, which, according to the idea of ​​a startup team, joins the common plate. In addition, the dishes offered to fix the sensors Meld Clip, monitors the temperature. As you might guess, Knob uses data Clip and controls the degree of heating burners. By the application for Android and iOS users could at any time to learn how proceeds cooking, simply by pressing and make adjustments. The Meld believe that it is able to control the temperature allows ordinary people to achieve perfection in cooking.

But these days Meld canceled campaign on Kickstarter. It turned out that some major interest in a startup company that offered Meld do work together on innovative technology for the kitchen. While the plans and Meld new partner knows quite a bit. The team just announced that will work to create a product very similar to the Knob. So it is quite possible that soon “smart” cookers on the market will be more.