07.08.2015 5:37

The new smartphone app will check the vulnerability Stagefright

After learning about the vulnerability Stagefright operating system Android, Google almost immediately sent out a patch manufacturers of smartphones. However, they are rarely pleasing users updated, and now only a few devices on the market have received the necessary corrections. Are they your machine – will help determine the utility Stagefright Detector App from the company Zimperium.

Let’s start with history. In April this year Zimperium Specialist Joshua Drake (Joshua Drake) found seven critical mistakes in the multimedia engine Stagefright. Taking advantage of the vulnerability, hackers can intercept telephone conversations user and obtain administrator rights and does have complete control over the device. Infection occurs when loading a malicious MMS-messages. And if the smartphone failed to check Stagefright Detector App, you must follow some precautions.

First, do not open the multimedia message from unknown persons, however, today the fact of its production already looks suspicious (for most users). Also make sure that the Startup is disabled in the MMS settings of the standard application and messenger Hangouts. These simple rules allow the device to protect against tampering.

In conclusion, Google, Samsung and LG have promised to release monthly security updates for its smartphones. A free application Stagefright Detector App will help producers control.