“The Wolf of Wall Street” show with a derogation
The new film by Martin Scorsese called active discussions. In some countries, it is shown in a shortened version
One of the most talked about movies of the week – “The Wolf of Wall Street” with Leonardo DiCaprio. For this role, the actor has already received the “Golden Globe” and nominated for “Oscar”. One hundred millionth project took Martin Scorsese.
At the heart of the book memoirs of former broker Jordan Belfort, who founded the largest office in 1987, but ten years later sat for money laundering. Seven years ago, this book captivated Leonardo DiCaprio. Here is what he says in an interview with an American journalist Charlie Rose:
Leonardo DiCaprio
“When you create an epic of avarice and greed, indulgence and hedonism, like this one, involuntarily immersed in his world. Of course, relying on a team and think how it will perceive the audience. But the task is not just to convey the events on the screen, and really become that hero. What is most amazing – it’s his way of life. Here he was among friends, all smiles, but once crossed a fine line – it was the end. A film about this … “
In some countries, nearly three-hour movie comes out strongly clipped: some scenes deemed obscene, for example, in India and UAE film became shorter by almost a third. In Malaysia, Scorsese and banned altogether: the protagonist in anything does not deny, including sexually. Such shooting became possible in principle, because the creators worked by themselves, without the participation of major studios. Scorsese told in an interview with ABC, the project has been in development for seven years:
Martin Scorsese
“I thought about whether it will be too – to make a film immediately after the crisis. But then I decided: why not? If we can not deal with the dark side of human nature, or at least should try to understand it. We wanted to show it as openly as possible and with a sense of humor, although it is not always funny. “The Wolf of Wall Street” – the chip. Even as a moral person in this world meet too many temptations, and the government gives a feeling of confidence. Perhaps, for me, this film is primarily about how the values changed in recent years … “
Financial tragicomedy released in cinemas in Russia only next week. With this general inconvenient happened: first it was planned that the audience will see a picture of the first of January, only five days after the release in the U.S., but then moved the timeline. As a result, particularly impatient audience novelty seeking on the Internet.