01.02.2014 9:10

Unrest before elections in Thailand: Seven of the wounded are journalists

At least seven people were hospitalized on Saturday with gunshot wounds in clashes between demonstrators supporting the government and sought his resignation protesters in the Thai capital Bangkok, reports “Interfax” .

According to the local emergency services, a minimum of six Thais injured during erupted on the eve of parliamentary elections unrest, including the city newspaper reporter.Tangential wound in the leg was also an American photojournalist, the AP reported.

The current clashes – part of an ongoing confrontation over a month between the government and protesters to seek the overthrow of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, a study which they accuse of corruption. Since late last year killed at least 10 people, injured more than 600.

The culmination of the event should be Sunday’s election, which is opposed by anti-government demonstrators who insist on reform before the vote.

Police intends to provide security on election day with 100 thousand employees across the country. 5000 soldiers will be involved in order to strengthen security in Bangkok.

An outcome is difficult to predict. Because the protesters prevented the registration of candidates in several districts, to convene parliament may not be enough of a quorum and, therefore, can not Shinawatra to form a government and pass a budget. Thus, experts say, Thailand risks getting bogged down in political turmoil.