15.04.2014 4:43

How to visually expand the space of the room

Not every apartment boasts a large size, spacious rooms, high ceilings. But who like to feel squeezed between the walls instead of feeling space in your house? But in many ways our perception of space is formed by optical effects, which create pieces of furniture, color and shape of the interior. Our task – just fool your subconscious and using simple techniques to transform and expand the room.



It seems that in a room with high ceilings, even breathe easier, and to achieve this effect is not so difficult. The most obvious method – stick on walls wallpaper with vertical. Better that the pattern was understated, but bright stripes or active pattern can be identified only some small area. Narrow cupboards and shelves, long vases, wall mirror and picture frames in high visually lift the ceiling. And hang them a little better than usual.


It seems that in a room with high ceilings, even breathe easier, and to achieve this effect is not so difficult.


To create the effect of the high ceiling is of great importance its coverage. You need to choose a chandelier or lamp small size with light beams directed vertically upwards. But wide cornices should not use – they visually make a line below the ceiling. Reasonable to make a hidden ledge and hang-colored curtains to the floor length.

Visually increase the ceiling height of cold and pale shades. You can also paint the ceiling and walls the same color, but the ceiling to make a little lighter in tone. Gloss paint creates a more pronounced effect of height than matte.


If the room is quite low furniture, the ceiling seems visually above. The same effect is given bright carpets on the floor: they attract attention and create the illusion of higher ceilings in the room.



As you know, bright colors make the subject more visually and dark visually reduce it. In small rooms to the walls and furniture is better to use light colors, and that they did not merge with each other, we can take the colors different in tone and color scheme . Strong contrasts, flashy colors, bright spots eat part of the space, so it’s best to stay on neutral shades of pastel and cool colors that enhance the space.


The brighter the room, the more it seems. Therefore, to penetrate through the windows as much natural light, hang them on the bright curtains and air curtains, as well as free from large sill houseplants.


In small rooms it is not recommended to use wallpaper with a large contrast patterns, and should avoid drawing too small – it may have been dazzled. It is possible one of the walls wallpapered with contrasting geometric pattern, while the other three remain in a neutral color scheme. This technique will be perceived room is wider than it actually is. In this case it is important to remember that the vertically disposed drawing room makes higher and lowers the horizontal and expands the space.

Desktop pasted on one of the walls, visually pushing the boundaries of the room. Greatest effect is the image of a landscape perspective: the horizon of the field or the sea, mountains or forest edge, night view of the city .


To a room seem larger, you should leave it as much as possible free space. This will help all kinds of folding sofa beds, coffee tables, fitted wardrobes and shelving. Furniture should be compact, with strict laconic forms, and it is best to place along the walls or in corners to visually divided and without a small room.

Minimalist style, conciseness finishes and furniture, the lack of open shelves, uniform colors with a few accents – all this makes the space of the room and a single volume. All sorts of figurines, candlesticks, framed photos, small paintings scatter attention and evoke the feeling of clutter. Several small paintings better replaced by a medium-sized, open shelves and free from unnecessary decoration.


It’s no secret that the mirror – the best assistant in the expansion space. Room, reflected in the large wall mirror, it seems twice. Better hang it on a long wall that reflected room does not become even longer, and turned into a square.

Furniture with glass surfaces and visually expands the space, making massive objects weightless. Tables with glass top, cabinet with translucent inserts on the doors, stained glass lamps – they all seemed to dissolve into the interior and become less noticeable to the eye.


Furniture with glass surfaces and visually expands the space, making massive objects weightless.


Color and texture of the floor is also important for the perception of room size: for it is also better to use light colors. Parquet or laminate flooring, laid on the diagonal, not only increases the visual area of ​​the room, but also hides the wrong geometry walls.

There is another bag of tricks to help visually enlarge the room. Want to place beautiful bright object – a flower, a statue or a vase – in the farthest corner of the room. Attention guests will immediately fall on this subject, and they will create a greater sense of perspective.