28.01.2015 3:33

Where to spend Valentine’s Day: 5 unbanal cities in Europe

Select the direction for meeting the Day lovers – not an easy task. Especially for those who are looking for a romantic place away from the crowds. In fact, it turns out that outside Paris there is romance and picturesque canals intersect not only Venice. What other city in the Valentine’s Day surprise for its comfort, charm and tranquility?

Poland, Wroclaw

Heart in hand gnome, which depicts the coat of arms of Wrocław.

Wroclaw inevitably attracts the attention of fans of romantic travel. He will pass easily Venice by the number of all kinds of bridges and canals, but will become more budget option for meeting the Day lovers. It is necessary to spend time on the small islands of Wroclaw, wander through its botanical garden, an evening stroll past the singing fountain and, of course, to find as many Dwarfs – symbols of the city.

Where to spend Valentine's Day: 5 unbanal cities in Europe

Their figures are scattered Wroclaw and waiting for him in the most unexpected corners. And in the St. Valentine’s Day in the city are often held classical concerts – a good reason to enjoy the world’s masterpieces.

Belgium, Bruges

Bruges – the same city where everyone falls in love. Magnificent medieval buildings, cobbled streets, canals and charming café – so in love imagine a truly European romanticism. Here medieval Flanders still preserved in its original form, and the center of Bruges is more like a postcard. Bruges will become a universal option, because here are waiting for the variety of opportunities for an interesting vacation or short weekend. You can take a boat ride, explore the historic center, sitting in a carriage, treat yourself to chocolate in one of the specialty stores, or just wander through the idyllic streets where some lovers even arrange a photo shoot.

Arriving in this Venice of the North on St. Valentine’s Day, is worth a visit Minivoter. Belgians call it the Lake of Love – on the water you can always see the swans. Also known Minivoter excellent panoramic views of Bruges. However, to see the city from the unusual angle can balloon. He flies over the historic center and the picturesque surroundings.

France, Annecy

Annecy is almost completely surrounded by the Alps, which are the natural scenery. The city is full of medieval buildings and laced with canals, and Crystal Lake Annecy completes the picture. Annecy is divided into old and modern pieces. In the Old City of romance tend to see a small castle, situated on an island in the middle of the channel. Reminiscent of the ship, though he grew up out of the water. In the evenings, the castle of the XII century looks very different – there is a mystical atmosphere.

Where to spend Valentine's Day: 5 unbanal cities in Europe

The most appropriate place for romantics in Annecy is Bridge lovers. There are dating and spend time French couple. The bridge stretches across the channel in a shady spot, surrounded by trees. A night in Annecy you can spend in the restaurant with views of the mountains and lake. In local schools, regardless of the season serves quality seafood.

Spain, Ronda

City in the heart of Andalusia, as if hanging over the gorge – a great choice even for a good romantic trip, at least for the weekend. Ronda appreciate easy access to the three natural parks and views of the valley – the location on the rocks makes it unique. In the neighborhood you can fly in a balloon to admire the beauty of the full, taste wines and find a cozy restaurant with spectacular panoramas.

Where to spend Valentine's Day: 5 unbanal cities in Europe

Ronda guaranteed waiting silence: here is a little noisy entertainment, from which the inhabitants were so tired and modern cities. Instead – the old streets and houses, attracts attention. Pleasantly surprised by the price of accommodation. In Ronda you can find a room for 20 euros, which is what sets the city on the background of the more popular areas of Spain.

Italy, Lucca

Italy has something to surprise those who want to spend Valentine’s Day in its ancient cities. For example, Lucca – an ideal and comfortable place in Tuscany. This town is quite small to fall in love, but it is large enough to offer plenty of entertainment. The first thing is to climb the tower Guinigi with breathtaking views of Lucca, and then stroll through the maze of narrow streets.

Where to spend Valentine's Day: 5 unbanal cities in Europe

Valentine’s Day – it’s time to arrange a meeting with the beautiful. Namely – with elegant palaces and villas, scattered around the city. Many of them were built in the XVII century. Finally, Italy has been created for the enjoyment of life and gastronomy. Therefore, in Lucca, you can devote a whole day to restaurants. Many of the institutions are haute cuisine – the price tags are higher and in most cases visitors overpay for location or atmosphere. But there is a great cafe, which serves affordable flavored cappuccinos, pasta, traditional Tuscan anise cake – buchelatto.