11.08.2015 5:22

Windows 10 successfully launched than Windows 8

Windows 8 did not live up to expectations, however, at first operating system showed good growth spread. As the data of the analytical service StatCounter, Windows 10 launch was even more successful.

Thanks to members of the program Windows Insider new platform ahead of the previous version already on launch day – its market share was 0.58% versus 0.39% for Windows 8. Those who choose to exercise their right to a free upgrade to Windows 10, helped increase this figure almost three times on the second day of sales of the operating system.

Windows 10 successfully launched than Windows 8

During the first 10 days after the release of Windows 8 only took 0.77% of the market, which is not surprising – in 2012, users had to pay a license fee or buy a new computer. In Windows 10, no such restriction, and share the platform quickly grew to 4.13%. By the way, in Russia, “the latest version” of the operating system from Microsoft has already surpassed the popularity of OS X.

Recall that in the next two or three years, Microsoft expects to increase the number of devices on Windows 10 billion, but analysts doubt the feasibility of the plan.